Road transportation

The main activity of Adro-Trans, Ltd. is to organize road transport for loads from Europe to Baltic states, CIS countries and Kazakhstan. We offer shipment services not only for full loads (25 tons / 34 europallets), but also for part loads, as well as carriage services for dangerous and oversized ones.


The main directions:

Western and Central Europe - Austria, Great Britain, Belgium, Bulgaria, Hungary, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, France, Czech Republic, Switzerland.

Scandinavian countries and Baltic states - Sweden, Finaland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia.

CIS countries - Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan.


Available trailers
Tilt 82 m³; 92 m³
Legth 13,6 m; width 2,48 m; height 2,6 - 2,75 m
Megatrailer 100 m³
 Lenght 13,6 m; width 2,48 m; height 2,95 - 3 m
Jumbo 96 m³
 Length 13,6 m; width 2,48 m; height up to 3 m
Tilt 100 - 120 m³
Lenght 12 - 16 m; width 2,48 m; height 2,7 - 3,1 m
Cold storage trucks and isotermic 82 - 92 m³
 Length 13,6 m; width 2,48 m; height 2,6 - 2,75 m